Center Stage for your
List Section Carousels

We are introducing the ultimate enhancement for your List Section Carousel: Center Stage. With this plugin, the outermost carousel items receive an elegant and customizable blur treatment, drawing attention immediately to the most central item, ensuring your main content always takes center stage.

Keep scrolling for some case study examples

List Section - Center Stage

#fhcenterstage/0.2//Our Team


#fhcenterstage/0.2//Our Services

#fhcenterstage/0.5//Our Partners

#fhcenterstage/0.3//2023 Awards


It will take 5 minutes or less to get this Squarespace plugin to work.


A few steps and no additional coding required to create.


We created several customization options to fine-tune the plugin to your liking!



Am I allowed to use the plugin on multiple sites?
If you pinky swear not to share it with others and only use it for your development, that is okay with us.


  • The plugin works on 7.1 and is compatible with Fluid Engine

  • The plugin only works with List Section set to Carousel with 1, 3 or 5 columns. You can use 2, 4 or 6 as well, but an uneven number works better when you try to have one in the middle.

  • We default back to the regular Squarespace settings for mobile and tablet

  • You will need a Business Plan or Higher.

Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not available.